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Dual Monitors option not working on Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) when Plugin is installed.


Hey Everyone,


We currently are implementing Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) for some of our test users and ran into an issue where Dual Monitors option does not display. We noticed that when we remove the Zoom Plugin on the computer that is logging into AVD it will then appear BUT it will remove the option to have backgrounds. When we then install the plugin again the option for Dual Monitor is gone again but the backgrounds are back. We would love to have both options enabled for our Users.


Thank you,


The Dual Monitor option in the Zoom Settings is what I’m talking about. It’s the option and seperates what’s being shared and the Users. This option does not appear when you look in the zoom settings when the plug-in is installed. When you uninstall it from the host machine it will then appear.


I should been more specific sorry. The Zoom WVD plug-in is the one I’m speaking about. It’s the plug-in you install on your workstation you’re going to be using to connect to your AVD workstation for zoom to work properly.