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Suddenly not receiving notification emails for purchased Smithsonian programs


As a regular attendee of Smithsonian  Resident Associate programs hosted via Zoom I had until the beginning of March 2022 been receiving notification emails with links to join said programs beginning about 2 weeks before each one. Since then, I have received no such emails, which, according to the Smithsonian, I had and should be still receiving directly from Zoom.  My email account is a plain personal Xfinity account, and I do not use personal filters to block or  divert incoming emails, nor have the expected notification emails been otherwise directed to a spam folder; they are simply not arriving in my inbox. I am at a loss as to how to correct this problem and any suggestions--especially ones that have been tried and worked in similar circumstances--would be much appreciated.





I would love to get an answer for this too. The same thing happened to some registrants of a webinar I organized. They had  been frequent attendees of my organization's webinars and all of a sudden have not received confirmations/reminders for our last two webinars.