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Multiple Registration Forms, One Webinar


Is there a way to have multiple registration forms for one webinar? I would like to have each source link have its own registration form.

We have one webinar, but two audiences:


  • Our constituents and subscribers
  • Friends/family/colleagues of the featured panelists

Ideally, we would like the friends/family/colleagues form slightly different from our subscriber form. I've been playing around with the registration settings but no such luck. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @kwalsh15,


I'm not aware of any way to do this for a simple Webinar within Zoom.  A Zoom Event Conference -- which can either be a single session of Webinar or Meeting, or a collection of Meetings and Webinars over 6 (not necessarily consecutive) calendar days, does have "multiple event tickets"... but that would likely be way more effort for you to set up.


As a solo Zoom event producer, I often use Eventbrite registration for individual Meetings or Webinars, or recommend it to clients who are self-producing their own events.  Eventbrite has a lot of ticketing options which would easily accommodate your needs, I think... and then the Eventbrite registration data feeds Zoom's registration directly, so you don't have to manually copy over participant data.  As with many things, it's a little more complex and has a learning curve the first time or two, but worth investigating, in my opinion.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.