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Issue authorizing different user with same zoom oauth app




We want to integrate zoom in our application. But major issue we are facing is we unable to authorize different user using common client id and secret which stored globally. Let me explain step by step:

1. I created oauth app in marketplace and i got client id and secret credential with required meeting related scope.

2. I added these creds and able to integrate my account and successfully generated access token for myself and also able to perform further operation like create meeting, get meeting info, update meeting etc.

3. We stored these creds globally and we want to use them to authorize every use who want to use zoom in our application.

4. So when a new user try to integrate the zoom app we got "Application not found error". For that user. 

I dont understand why ? we cant create zoom oauth app for every user and then they will use zoom in our application , this will not make any sense. 


Can you please help me to solve this issue? is there something i am missing or i dont know. I researched a lot but i didn't find anything. I will be helpful if this solve as early as possible