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Issues with zoom meeting audio.


I'm having 2 issues with zoom meeting audio. I teach singing so have the 'original sound for musicians' clicked on zoom. Everything else unselected. 


Issue 1; Only with certain clients (2/20), it's always the same 2 clients, we experience a hissing sound that becomes unbearable very quickly, unless either one of us hits mute on our mics. We needs to do this every few minutes so the sound returns to normal then gradually builds again. As mentioned, the sound is perfect for all other clients so I'm reticent to change my hardware (add a mic etc). as I also use an external musical keyboard so don't want to set up an extra mic and usb for the keyboard and use logic or anything. I would like the simple Mac set up that works for all my other clients to also work with the 2 who are experiencing issues. Any ideas of things we can try?


Issue 2; I experience sound loss with one of my clients (out of 20) when she sings higher in pitch. She has the same setting as me; just 'original sounds for musicians' selected. I am assuming this is something to do with her Mac settings as we experience the same issue with all other online video conferencing softwares.... but does anyone have any idea what it could be?


Thanks Jen


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi jen,


i suspect the hissing sound is feedback which is fixed with echo cancellation.


To diagnose what is happening with the three clients, It would be very helpful to have the following info for the three with issues and one without issues.


Pc/laptop make, model, operating system name and version


Zoom desktop or mobile client name and version number


Original sound settings –

Which options are checked –

High fidelity music mode

Echo cancellation

Stereo audio


Advanced Audio settings


Signal processing by windows audio device drivers - "Auto" alllows Zoom to set the Windows signal processing mode for your device. "On" enables the drivers to provide a level of audio processing. "Off" puts the drivers into "Raw" mode so that the Zoom app can receive an unprocessed signal.


Echo cancellation


please also see support articles:

Using original sound for musicians in a meeting – Zoom Support


Configuring professional audio settings for Zoom Meetings – Zoom Support


thanks,  eliot