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How to block zoom from connecting to a webcam on Linux?


I have multiple webcams.  When zoom tries to connect to one of them, that is already in use in a different program,  it causes it to malfunction.  There is a second webcam that works fine in zoom and that is what I want zoom to use always.


Specifically when I use the <share screen><Content from 2nd Camera> feature in zoom, I have to cycle through all the webcams to reach the one I want.  This causes zoom to connect to the wrong webcam and causes it to malfunction, every time.


Is there a way to block zoom from connecting to the wrong webcam?  Or a way to hide it from zoom?


This is on Linux.



To block Zoom from accessing your webcam on Linux, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Webcam Device: Use the command to list all video devices. Your webcam will typically be or a similar entry.

  2. Remove User Permissions: Change the permissions of the webcam device so that Zoom can't access it. Use replacing  with your webcam device.

  3. Create an APK Package to Automate: (Example) Develop an APK (Automated Permission Kit) that runs this command automatically at startup or before launching Zoom. This apk could be a simple script.

  4. Test the Configuration: Open Zoom and try to access the webcam to ensure it's blocked.

  5. Re-enable Webcam Access: When you need the webcam, revert the permissions using.

Thanks for the idea.  The example commands to change file permissions are missing from your reply.


Regardless, changing the file permissions of the webcam device won't work.  I need to access the webcam from another application (OBS studio).  Blocking access with file permissions will block both applications.