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Charged $581 on my card without authorization or notice. My coworker was charged $1300 for one month


Zoom charged my card $581 without my authorization and I'm trying to get a person to talk to. After waiting on hold for 30-60 min I keep getting people reading from a script that won't help me and won't give me contact info for a supervisor. No one is helping me get a refund. Does anyone have a contact I could call or had this happen to them too?

I prepaid for an annual plan that was from Feb 23 2022 through Feb 23 2023. In January of 2023, Zoom changed the billing and storage pricing, didn't notify me there would be overages and then charged my card $581 stating that I went over their storage. They did the same thing to my coworker. Her bill was over $1300. They notified me the day AFTER they charged my card that I was being charged even though my one year wasn't up that I paid for and decreased my storage to 5% of what it was. I deleted all the recording I had within 24 hours of their email to be under their new requirements. I also purchased more storage on top of already paying for the year. I'm not even asking for what I paid for for the year, I'm just asking for a refund of the $581. I've submitted multiple tickets and they keep coming back "resolved" but no one is calling me or resolving it. I've called multiple times, emailed, and am asking constantly to talk to a supervisor or manager. No one is giving me someone to talk to. I've disputed it with my bank and looking at reporting zoom unless I can get a hold of a supervisor or manager. Does anyone have an actual person within zoom I can call and not someone reading a script? I've been a customer for years and I'd love to stay with Zoom but I'm so frustrated right now and scared to have a card attached to my file at this point. 



I faced the same issue like you did. Has Zoom made a refund to you,?

No I’ve been asking for a higher up supervisor and keep getting denied. They are refusing to honor what I prepaid for and undo their charge.  I think it’s virtual assistant’s from other countries that are reading a script and not understanding how it’s illegal. It seems like it’s the luck of who you get. My coworker is getting a refund for the same exact situation. As soon as she sees the money in her account I can share the point person with you. There was actually a lawsuit about this with AOL and they ruled in favor of the client. It’s illegal to charge someone’s card a new price or plan without notice and consent. It’s considered an “unauthorized debt”  There is no way to delete your billing info so I will be canceling in case they try this again. If you look on zoom’s social media pages there are multiple people complaining and whoever is running the zoom account keeps hiding their comments. I’ve also started a case with the Better Business Bureau. If you can keep calling hopefully it will catch the attention of whoever is above the virtual assistants and they will update their policies to be more ethical. 


Zoom has been charging my card every month for the last year and a half anywhere between $58.21 all the way up to $161.99 for about $1,300 in charges. I have disputed this with my bank and I am submitting screenshots of your complaints as support to my fraudulent claims that this company has lost their minds.