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The timer


Okay so I swear I can’t contact zoom. I can’t sleep at All but that’s irrelevant what I been wanting to say is ever since zoom had put that 40 minute time it had just ruined my day I literally use zoom constantly because me n my long distance bf we use it to call because it has the best video quality so recently when this new 40 minute bull crap showed up I can’t do nothing like we are constantly having to start new meeting and for example we’re like any basic couple, we fall aslee on the phone or whatever except we use zoom and so I can’t hardly sleep at night and he’s my only comfort and when he’s sleeping he can’t really rejoin zoom and I’m kinda lonely and it has really just ruined this whole thing because literally I only get 40 mins before it ends and I’m getting tired of having to reset zoom and he has an android I have iPhone so there is no FaceTiming and zoom I beg of you please stop with the 40 min bs it’s really ruined our lives I hope you read this and literally take in mind that not everyone has 15$ to pay every MONTH just to have unlimited meetings like I get you need money but with just 2 people? Really? Do u have to like it’s really made our lives so much more difficult just please listen and take this in note. I been using zoom for years and this 40 minute thing is just not. Fair.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@Dg_Doge21 ,


I've read your post multiple times and keep thinking when finished... that's the best testimonial of Zoom I've ever read.


I'm not kidding...


Then the bean counter in me did some quick math to see what it costs per hour for a Basic Zoom 30-day subscription @ $15.00, and came up with just over .02 cents an hour. I think that's a heck of deal. And my financial exercise is not meant to disregard the challenge that monthly subscription may be for you and others.


But there are options out there beyond Zoom that will connect an Android and iPhone, such as Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, Google Meet, Discord, and others. The quality certainly won't be the same, but they do the job.

I'm all for keeping that special relationship that you've got, going... but, cursing Zoom for continuing to offer a FREE Edition to thousands of users around the world, only limited by what many think is a reasonable amount of time (40 minutes), isn't very fare treatment to the company that kept this world connected during the 2-year COVID shutdown, and continues to improve the quality of their services, everyday.


Those are just my thoughts.


Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen