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How do I know if the cloud recording was deleted?




I recently lost the card associated with my billing account. When the invoice for zoom pro came, I decided I did not needed zoom pro anymore and a customer service rep kindly rejected the invoice and put my account on the free tier.


However, I just got an email about having lost access to my zoom cloud recordings, which apparently will be deleted in 10 days. I can only get access to them by resubscribing. I have the link to a recording I am interested in, but the video does not start since it says the cloud subscription ended. So... I am not sure whether the video has been deleted already or not. (I received a similar warning when the whole credit card thing happened).


So right now I don't know if I should resubscribe to download the recording or whether it has already been deleted and it would be futile. Is there a way I can know if a recording has not been deleted yet?


Thanks folks


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @nicolasfernand ! If you resubscribe, you should have access to your previous cloud recordings as long as it has not been 30 days since you downgraded your Pro account to a Basic/Free account. 

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