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Urgent: Compliance Issue with Zipow Upgrade SDK - Assistance Needed


Dear Zoom Community Forum Team,


I am reaching out to seek urgent assistance regarding a compliance issue we've encountered with the Zipow Upgrade SDK used in our app. We have recently been notified by Google that our application violates their Device and Network Abuse policy due to the presence of a non-compliant version of the Zipow Upgrade SDK (version code 15) in our app.

Issue Details:

  • SDK Name: Zipow Upgrade SDK
  • Version Code: 15
  • Issue: The SDK contains code that downloads or installs applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play, which is against Google’s policy.

To address this issue, we need to either upgrade to a policy-compliant version of the SDK or remove it entirely. However, we are currently unsure about the availability of a compliant version or the necessary steps to resolve this.

Request for Assistance:

  1. Compliant SDK Version: Could you please provide guidance on whether there is a compliant version of the Zipow Upgrade SDK available? If so, we would appreciate detailed instructions on how to obtain and implement this version.

  2. Alternative Solutions: If no compliant version is available, we would like to understand the best course of action for removing or replacing the SDK to ensure our app adheres to Google’s policies.

Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter is crucial to us as we aim to maintain compliance and continue offering our app on the Google Play Store. Please let us know if you require any additional information from our end.

Thank you for your support and understanding.



Dear Zoom Community Forum Team,


I am reaching out to seek urgent assistance regarding a compliance issue we've encountered with the Zipow Upgrade SDK used in our app. We have recently been notified by Google that our application violates their Device and Network Abuse policy due to the presence of a non-compliant version of the Zipow Upgrade SDK (version code 15) in our app.

Issue Details:

  • SDK Name: Zipow Upgrade SDK
  • Version Code: 15
  • Issue: The SDK contains code that downloads or installs applications from unknown sources outside of Google Play, which is against Google’s policy.

To address this issue, we need to either upgrade to a policy-compliant version of the SDK or remove it entirely. However, we are currently unsure about the availability of a compliant version or the necessary steps to resolve this.

Request for Assistance:

  1. Compliant SDK Version: Could you please provide guidance on whether there is a compliant version of the Zipow Upgrade SDK available? If so, we would appreciate detailed instructions on how to obtain and implement this version.

  2. Alternative Solutions: If no compliant version is available, we would like to understand the best course of action for removing or replacing the SDK to ensure our app adheres to Google’s policies.

Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter is crucial to us as we aim to maintain compliance and continue offering our app on the Google Play Store. Please let us know if you require any additional information from our end.

Thank you for your support and understanding.