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Webcam selection in VDI environment


ZoomVDI agent makes it possible to select the microphone, but it doesn’t seem to allow webcam selection. Only a single webcam is available on the Zoom client on VDI. Is there any way to customise, which webcam to use in the VDI scenario? I’m using VMware Horizon Client for MacOS. All these webcams work fine, when using a local Zoom client on the same computer.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Mikolaj,


Thanks for posting on our Zoom Community Forum! We appreciate your post around how you are not able to select different webcams on Zoom VDI.


In order to better understand this issue, can you please confirm if you are up-to-date on your VDI Client and provide screenshots on what you are referring to within the platform? 


We look forward to hearing from you.





Hi Steph,

software versions, that I use:

  1. VMware Horizon Client 2106.1-8.3.1-18641314 (the newest version currently available)
  2. Zoom VDI plugin 5.7.0
  3. Zoom Client installed on my remote VDI: 5.7.2

Whenever I try to select a webcam on VDI, the only available option is "FaceTime HD Camera" as shown on the 1st screenshot. However,  whenever I use a Zoom client directly on my personal computer (not on VDI), I can select any webcam, that is installed. Please check the 2nd screenshot. So for some reason, the remote Zoom client on VDI can only see a single webcam from a list of all, that are available.

Hi, Mikolaj - 


If you go to the USB options in the Horizon client, do you see the webcams listed there?

Hi @ericafw,


Thanks for replying. I guess, you're referring to the USB settings under the Connection Settings within the Horizon Client. It just says "USB Disabled". But I don't think, this is a problem, since my USB microphone is properly recognised.


Came here for the same issue.

Was there no solution for this?