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Meeting shortcut on iPad


I'm looking for an easy solution for my 92 year old mother who struggles every time we want to contact her.  


I have created a Shortcut on my mother's iPad to take her to our usual meeting with one click and embedded the meeting link URL in the Shortcut but when she uses this it only gets her to the Zoom meeting selection as if she had clicked on the Zoom icon. It does not bypass the Meeting ID and Passcode as it would if she clicked on the URL in an email for example. Is there a way to access the meeting in this way without having to enter everything?


Also, is there a way to default the Audio to Computer so that she doesn't have to select that either?




I have exactly the same problem with automating/simplifying the 'Join Zoom meeting process' except that  my Mum is 93! It looks as though Zoom requires the user to log into a Zoom account in order to use Zoom in the Ipad Shortcuts app, a very frustrating restriction especially as you do not need this to join a meeting normally.


However, I can help with the Audio issue - click the settings cogwheel icon, then 'meeting settings'

the first section is Audio: click on 'Auto connect Audio' and select 'Wifi', then 'Done' in top right. This will bypass the 'select audio' dialogue when you join a meeting next time

A little more progress: if I click the Zoom link (url) on Mum's ipad, it opens Safari with the Zoom web page and buttons to open the meeting in the Zoom app. Before opening the Zoom app, I can use the Safari 'Add to home screen' option (on the 'Share' button) which puts an icon on the home screen. Clicking this icon again goes to the Zoom page but it has the meeting details so a simple click allows Mum to join the meeting, without worrying about either entering meeding ID & passcode or hunting for the email with the link!

I hope this helps. It is not perfect - Zoom obviously wants as many of us to have accounts as possible, even when we do not need them and they add unnecessarily to the complexity for some users.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



I believe you can do this with Apple shortcuts.

You will need to have the free Zoom client installed.


Shortcuts User Guide

for iPhone and iPad 



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!

Thanks, but both the OP and I said that we had tried Shortcuts. The Zoom options in Shortcuts seem to be available only if the user is logged into a Zoom account. This would mean adding yet another account with password, periodic checks etc into my Mum's digitally challenged world, and I really dont want to add this complexity. As you can join a meeting without logging into Zoom, it would be sensible and user-friendly to allow a way for doing this in a Shortcut; but unless you can tell us otherwise the login-free 'join a meeting' option is not in Shortcuts