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Changed Jobs.... Lost Personal Meeting ID - any suggestions?




I used my cell phone number as my Zoom Personal Meeting ID. Then I changed employers, and Zoom tells me my phone number is in use my another user. I suspect my number is not in use but somehow associated with my previous employer.

Any suggestions?



I experienced the same exact issue.  I sent an email to my previous employer's IT support team and requested they remove the Personal Meeting ID from my zoom account at that company.  The email I sent is below:

I was a previous employee of -------- and I used my personal phone number as my Personal Meeting ID for Zoom.  I did not have the opportunity to erase the personal meeting ID before I left -------.  I would look to use my Personal Meeting ID for my other Zoom account.
Are you able to change the Personal Meeting ID on my ------- Zoom account?  My email address was: ---------.  The personal meeting ID is: ---------.
Let me know if there is any additional information you need.
They were able to remove it from the old account the next day and I was able to successfully use it for a different account.