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Can you send upcoming meeting reminders to meeting registrants?


Besides the meeting registrant getting an email when they are first registered for the meeting, is there a way to set up another email reminder an hour before the meeting time?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @Brad1975 


To send automated reminder emails to meeting registrants is not a native capability of Zoom, you can try other possibility like sending separate Email / Reminders from Outlook


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards


Hi @ Huma  My question is similar.  In the past I have had some attendees not be able to access the meeting with the link they get in the confirmation email which is frustrating for them and for me! I am trying to set up a reminder email with an active link to the meeting, but don't know where to find the meeting link.  I see the registration link but not one for the meeting itself.  Does each registrant get a unique link or do all registrants get the same link at confirmation?  If they get the same link, I can register then share the link in the email I receive.  THANKS!



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @shanti2677 


Your understanding is right - Zoom confirmation emails don't directly include the meeting link to prevent unauthorized access

All registrants for a meeting receive the same meeting link in their confirmation email

However, some Zoom account configurations might allow including the join information in the resend email.
You can check your Zoom account settings or reach out to your Zoom administrator to see if this option is enabled.





There is a marketplace app, Salepager, that sends reminders to Zoom meeting registrants an hour before their unique link.