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Automatically Enrolled in Zoom Healthcare?


I have a BAA from Zoom in order to be HIPAA compliant. Are we automatically enrolled in the Healthcare plan when we receive a BAA? Or is a Zoom Healthcare account really necessary? Under my "current plans", I show both Zoom One Pro and Healthcare (see attached screenshot). I just want to make sure that I don't need to do anything else in order to be HIPAA compliant. Thank you!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi there! Yes, that is correct - if you're under a BAA with us, you're enabling HIPAA compliance. You do not need anything additional. Here is a helpful support article too -


Please let me know if you have any additional questions! 




Thank you so much!


thank you for that information. Does signing a BAA mean that my paid zoom one personal account is HIOPAA-compliant, even though it is not zoom for healthcare?

@SusannaG Yes. Signing a BAA with us makes your account HIPAA compliant even if it isn't a healthcare account. For more information on how to have a BAA signed with Zoom, please contact your Account Executive or Sales.

I have Zoom One Pro. Is it automatically HIPAA compliant?


@CGNOLAND No. You need to sign a BAA with Zoom first. For information on how to have a BAA signed with Zoom, please contact your Account Executive or Sales.

Hi Amelia,

I am wondering if you might be familiar with procedures for Singapore? I am hoping to check that my Zoom version is for healthcare too. But i am not sure how i can check as there wasn't an option to click when i was checking out the annual plan.