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Administrative Control Over Team Chat Notification Settings


We are in the process of introducing users to Zoom Team Chat.  Is there any administrative control or a way to do an initial set of the Team Chat notification settings?  My pilot users are saying they don't like Zoom chat because they miss messages.  They're missing messages because they don't have their notification settings right.  Is there a way to control or set those settings for the users?


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi there!


I think you might find what you're looking for in Zoom Team Chat Support


I looked around on the Chat Support site.  I see where it's showing how the user can change their own notification settings.  What I'm after is administrative control or a change to the default notification settings our users receive.  I looked in our ADMX template, but I only see 2 chat setting options and neither deal with notification.  I get users should be able to fiddle with their own notification settings.  I just want to make sure day 1 when they start using Team Chat they have our recommended notification settings enabled so they don't miss messages and get the impression chat doesn't work as well as our previous chat platform.