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Apple Vision pro client demands new version when authenticating via SSO


The Apple Vision Pro Zoom app doesn't seem to be working with SSO logins. It appears to authenticate OK, but it pops up the following message: 


"Your app version needs to be 5.15.10(9784) or higher to sign in. Please update to continue."


I'm on the latest version available in the app store. I've found at least one other report on reddit, but can't find anything here. Making sure the dev team is aware. 




I'm running into this same issue when I try to login using SSO. Mine says, "Your app version needs to be 5.16.10(11643).


I'm on the latest version of Vision Pro OS.


Having the same issue here!


Same issue here. 


same issue here


This is happening for me as well, cannot connect to my meetings at all.  The fact that folks can be excluded and required to update to join meetings with no notice is a huge pain even when the updates are actually available, and when they're *not* really available like this, rendering the service effectively completely down on those platforms, it pushes people to look for other options.


Same...this is really annoying. I want to use my Vision Pro for work but I can't if I can't get signed in to Zoom. 

Update - I have a ticket filed and after a couple of days of back and forth have now managed to illustrate the problem to Zoom and get it escalated, fingers crossed for resolution soon.


I’m having the same issue.  I know my org requires we operate a minimum version of Zoom and will require users to update.  Zoom also allows the minimum version to vary across platforms, but I don’t believe they include the Apple Vision Pro. 


Same issue with me. I think since there is no Universal App (again, I think), zoom has a new version series and our corporate sso doesn’t like that. Hope this is fixed soon

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hello @chrobb ,


While SSO login from your Apple Vision Pro device is supported by Zoom, there's a temporary block due to a pending update.

The new version of the Zoom app is expected to be released on February 26th and should resolve the issue.

I hope this helps!

Is this still expected to release today?

Holding our collective breath here...

Do you have an update on this, as it doesn't look like a fix was rolled out yesterday?


I'm also having a similar issue.  I can join some Zoom meetings with no problem.  But then on Zoom meetings hosted by my organization, I get the dreaded app must be updated to version 5.17.0 error message.  I go to the App Store on the MVP and there is no update.  I was wondering if it was a security type setting in the meeting templates my organization is using.