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Zoom Webinar Maxed YT Livestream


I set up a YouTube live stream for overflow for every Zoom I host.  When the participant count is at the maximum, what message do participants see to direct them to the live stream?  Are they auto-directed?  Does the message provide the YT link?  I'm working with a client that wants to know how overflow is directed and I can't seem to find a definite answer online.  Thanks for your help.  



I got this response from Zoom support: 


Once attendees are notified that the webinar is full, they will be informed that they can view the live stream online and be redirected to it.

To access the live stream URL:

  1. Once you receive the "This webinar is at capacity" message, click Watch Live Stream.
    A new webpage will open.
  2. Click the link to access the webinar's live stream.