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Audio cuts in and out. Low Bandwidth Notification


When conducting a meeting with a particular user, her audio cuts in and out. She cannot hear me and I cannot hear her for about 20 seconds. This happens continuously throughout our meeting. It does not occur with myself or any other user. I also see that her bandwidth drops very low occasionally throughout our meeting.


I am hoping we can trouble shoot this with her. She does have an account with zoom and is in our basic user list.


Listener | Zoom Employee
Listener | Zoom Employee

Here are some ideas...

Ask the person to test connectivity at:

Look at this page for bandwidth requirements:

Video: Turn off video to allocate more bandwidth to audio.

Phone: Try using a phone connection rather than computer audio if you have that option on your account.


So if your WiFi connection or cellular connection has even a slight fluctuation, it can cause high latency, and some of those data packets may get lost or interrupted in their journey. This results in audio cutting in and out, and lagging video. These problems can even lead to Zoom disconnecting altogether.