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Zoom Camera Problem


Since upgrading to my current Zoom version (5.8.0, 1324, 32-bit), whenever I'm in a meeting, my camera only shows half my face (left half) and the total picture is squished/flattened).  Everyone else is fine.  Asking folks in the meeting, they say "I" look normal to them ... it's what I see on my end that's messed up.  When using my Surface Pro camera otherwise (not in a Zoom meeting), I look normal to myself as well.  Seems to be the newest upgrade somehow changed my camera relationship to the new program.  How do I fix this?  Would it fix the matter to try to "downgrade" and go back to a previous version of Zoom on my Surface Pro?  Any other ideas?  Help!  This is very annoying too.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @JavGal 


Try going into your Video Settings in Zoom and toggling on and off (or off and on) the Original Ratio and HD options. See if that makes a difference. Try on and off.

