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How should I test the integration with Zoom in the app?


I am developing an App (iOS) that integrates the Zoom SDK. In the App you can login to Zoom and give the App permissions to create meetings. I can only test with my Zoom account, it won't let me give it permissions from other accounts. How can I test with some users?


thank you!



To test the integration with Zoom in your app, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Zoom account and sign in.
  2. Obtain your Zoom API credentials, including your API Key and Secret.
  3. Configure your app to use the Zoom API by providing your credentials and necessary permissions.
  4. Use the Zoom API to create a meeting or join a meeting programmatically from within your app.
  5. Test the integration by creating or joining a meeting and verifying that the expected functionality works as intended.

For example, let's say you have a tall run mobile game app that allows players to join a Zoom meeting with their teammates for voice chat during gameplay. To test the integration, you could create a new game session and invite your teammates to join. Then, you can initiate a Zoom meeting through your app and join the meeting with your teammates to verify that the voice chat works properly. If you encounter any issues, you can troubleshoot them by reviewing the Zoom API documentation and error logs.