Whiteboard Import of PNG
Hello, I still do not see the upload icon in my editing tools, however (screenshot). If I use copy/paste, it would only allow text, but not a PNG. Ariane
I am trying to import a simple small PNG into the whiteboard. The instructions on how to do that (https://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0058482) say to use the upload icon which does not show and if it does not show to have the admin enable that feature
This feature is, however, enabled in my account (screenshot here:) settings. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/aq1466jbworz0bxvilcgm/PastedGraphic-1.png?rlkey=rm07bnw00hbkq0hqmpzhvgr0d&dl=0
I am a music educator and am looking for musical notation, the music template offered does not show near the elements I need, but it would work if I could add my own icons.
Thanks for your help!
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