Zoom Team Chat
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What is Zoom Team Chat?

Zoom Team Chat connects teams and streamlines communication through securely integrated messaging software. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Team Chat conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Team Chat support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Quality of image

Whenever I am in a meeting, my clothes look all gray even if I am dressed with colorful sweaters. My face is in color but not my clothes! Can someone give me a hint on what the problem could be? My HD is activated. I tried removing my virtual backgro...

chat reactions and direct answers

Hi.Unfortunately, I have no way to respond directly to chat messages in a meeting (for example, with emojis) or even respond with direct replies. When I move my mouse pointer over the message three dots appear where I have the choice between quote an...

Peia by Newcomer
  • 5 replies

Camera with participants

Something went wrong with my zoom my college friend is un seeable on our Zoom and sometimes I never see other times it stops and then I can see her but still dose anyone else have this problem?-Leota Walker

802092 by Newcomer
  • 1 replies

Unable to upgrade to 5.10.03 or higher

I am a subscriber to Zoom, but unable to use for my last two meetings, would not allow me to have audio, had to use a browser. When I go to zoom, I only get the message "You need to upgrade to 5.10.3 or higher. Contact your IT department. I do not ha...

How do I retrieve a recording??

I was made co-host to record a meeting -- my first time doing this. The host ended the meeting while I was trying to end and save the meeting. Is it gone forever or am I somehow able to find the recording?? This was an important zoom I needed to re-v...

Malaika by Newcomer
  • 12 replies

Client screen being effected

I seem to notice that every client of mine (who are mostly children as I am a teacher) is having the same issue. Their screens glitch and the video gets disrupted while in session. I am worried that there is a bug in zoom that is effecting the screen...

Inability to join Zoom AMeeting

Hello,I have recently experienced the inability to join two meetings that I was invited to attend. Using the Zoom log in provided by the host (reoccurring) did not get me in. Has anyone experienced this and can give me advice so that I will not have ...

WB68 by Newcomer
  • 0 replies