Zoom Team Chat
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What is Zoom Team Chat?

Zoom Team Chat connects teams and streamlines communication through securely integrated messaging software. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Team Chat conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Team Chat support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Account debited but subscription has not started

  • Hi , I was trying to subscribe a yearly pack . My account got debited but the subscription has not started . Not able to reach zoom billing team , they are not responding  

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Hi Guys, My daughter is getting married next week and I want to host the ceremony via ZOOM. I'm comfortable with that part of the process, but does anyone know how I can just stream the ceremony and not have the participants windows show up on the sc... Show more

Hi Guys, My daughter is getting married next week and I want to host the ceremony via ZOOM. I'm comfortable with that part of the process, but does anyone know how I can just stream the ceremony and not have the participants windows show up on the screen, just the wedding from our end?


Thank you,



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Chat search results misses results

Has anyone had a problem where search results in Zoom Chat (outside meetings) don't display complete results? A colleague and I recently did a little test where we searched for a person's name who we knew had been discussed over the last few days. My... Show more

Has anyone had a problem where search results in Zoom Chat (outside meetings) don't display complete results?  A colleague and I recently did a little test where we searched for a person's name who we knew had been discussed over the last few days.  My most recent result was accurate but hers was not - a number of days ago was her first result whereas mine was yesterday.  Why does this happen?  Makes it difficult to any confidence in the search results!

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PWA app not working



I can't download PWA onto my chromebook. 


I get a message saying there is no eligible device for the app to install.


Will I still be able to access my Zoom account and run/record meetings etc going through the zoom.us URL?


Can anyone help?

Resolved! Deactivated Polls

I have polls that show up as "Deactivated."  Is it possible to relaunch them or do they need to be deleted and recreated?

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Wondering if there is a way to unmute a channel for others.

We have some firmwide zoom channels that were muted by many users when they first were created, and now they are essentially unusable for firm announcements.


Is there a way to unmute a channel from the admin side for all users?



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환불요구- 한 달 사용 후 줌을 더 이상 사용하지 않는데 7월 16일에 결제가 되었습니다.

한 달 사용 후 줌을 더 이상 사용하지 않는데  7월 16일에 결제가 되었습니다.   환불 가능할까요?  

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사용하지 않은 결재된 요금 환불가능한지요?

코로나로 재작년까지 줌을 사용하다가 작년부터 사용하지 않았는데 자동으로 결재가 되었습니다.

사용안하면 요금이 청구 안되는 줄 알았는데 2021년 7월 19일에 사용용금 164.89(USD)이 나도 모르는 사이 결재되었습니다. 금액도 크고 너무 황당한데 환불해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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MY message didnt send

when i sent a message from my ipad i didnt see it on my computer😕

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Доброго дня! Хотілося б, щоб була можливість обмежувати деяким учасникам конференції доступ до участі в опитуваннях. Тобто щоб одні учасники мали змогу голосувати, а інші - ні.Також прошу звернути увагу на проблему із результатами опитувань. У файлі ... Show more

Доброго дня!


Хотілося б, щоб була можливість обмежувати деяким учасникам конференції доступ до участі в опитуваннях. Тобто щоб одні учасники мали змогу голосувати, а інші - ні.

Також прошу звернути увагу на проблему із результатами опитувань. У файлі звіту про опитування результати опитувань розміщено у довільному порядку. Це дуже ускладнює обробку результатів. Прошу зробити так, щоб результати було розміщено саме в тому порядку в якому були проведені опитування.  Наприклад: проводилось спочатку Опитування 1, потім Опитування 2, далі Опитування 3, а у файлі зі звітом про опитування першим розміщено результати Опитування 3, потім результати Опитування 1 і далі Опитування 2.


Велике прохання до розробників відгукнутися та внести відповідні зміни у програму. Дніпровська міська рада є постійним оптовим клієнтом вашої кампанії.


Заздалегідь вдячна!



I would like it to be possible to limit access to polls to some conference participants. That is, some participants were able to vote, while others were not.
Also, please pay attention to the problem with the survey results. In the survey report file, the survey results are placed in random order. This makes processing the results very difficult. Please make sure that the results are posted exactly in the order in which the polls were conducted. For example: Survey 1 was conducted first, then Survey 2, then Survey 3, and in the survey report file, the results of Survey 3 were placed first, then the results of Survey 1, and then Survey 2.

A big request to the developers to respond and make appropriate changes to the program. The Dnipro City Council is a permanent wholesale client of your campaign.

Thanks in advance!


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