Speaker’s WiFi Signal Icon Color Meaning?
I participate in a class several times per week with less than 20 online students. The teacher is at a facility with a Zoom license that allows many more than 20 participates. I use the free Zoom client on a mid-priced Windows 10 laptop which is connected by WiFi to my router. The teacher also connects to the facility’s router with WiFi. When I select the Speaker display mode, in the lower left-hand corner of my screen I see a WiFi signal strength icon (several vertical bars of decreasing height from left to right). The number of bars never changes, but the color sometimes changes from white to yellow to red . When the icon is red, I usually experience freezing of the speaker’s video and/or audio. What do the icon’s colors indicate? Is it the capacity of the teacher’s WiFi connection to the facilities router and/or the signal congestion on the particular WiFi channel in use at the facility, or something else? I don’t believe it refers to the capacity of my WiFi connection, because even if the teacher video freezes that of participant’s video that are displayed do not freeze.
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