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Zoom attendees in meeting have their mike and camera hijacked


Sat through part of a meeting this past Saturday.  It was hosted by a local group and was also live streamed on FB.  Not sure if the publicly advertised the Zoom link.  Seemed most of that was pushing the FB stream.  


About 15 minutes in we noticed racist audios and sexual videos or GIFs popping up.  The more we watched it was apparent they were actually channeling the disruptions through the audio and cams of the other attendees.  All of them were showing to be muted and most were no cam.  But then you would see the images pop up on different attendees feeds, like they had turned on their cams.  Also you can tell when someone is talking, because the yellow outline box will appear.  This was happening, but only for like a second or 3, then hopscotching to another attendee.  Almost like signal hopping.  


Anyway, wondering if this is something new.  I know we get uninvited guests, but have never seen the attendee hijacking before.