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This is unacceptable


I have subscription, monthly payments are being transferred from my PayPal account each month. EVERY SINGLE MONTH THERE IS HALF A DAY WHERE MY ACCOUNT IS NOT PREMIUM ACCOUNT! IF I SUBSCRIBED TO YOU TO AVOID NOT BEING PREMIUM ALL THE TIME, WHAT IS THE POINT OF MY SUBSCRIPTION?!!??? Every single time when I need to renew my subscription plan, you put me back to my normal account and my clients have problems entering my meeting!!! What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with your company? IF I WANT MY PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO BE PREMIUM ALL THE TIME, I NEED TO PAY SUBSCRIPTION, SO IF I PAY SUBSCRIPTION TO YOU TO KEEP MY ACCOUNT PREMIUM ALL THE TIME, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I HAVE 1 WHOLE DAY NON-PREMIUM ACCOUNT WHERE I NEED TO WAIT FOR SUBSCRIPTION TO BE RENEWED BUT I ALREADY HAVE MONEY WAITING FOR YOU!! JUST TAKE THE MONEY AND GIVE ME MY PREMIUM ACCOUNT ALL THE TIME! Next time, I will talk to my lawyer so maybe he will contact you. THIS IS WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING A SUBSCRIPTION, SO I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY THAT MY ACCOUNT WILL GO BACK BEING REGULAR ACCOUNT. Right now, it's 2nd of October and guess what? My account is regular now, waiting for you to give me PREMIUM THAT I SUBSCRIBED FOR! What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with your management. GIVE ME MY PREMIUM ACCOUNT NOW, HOW SIMPLE IT IS? TAKE THE MONEY BEFORE MY ACCOUNT GETS REGULAR AND GIVE ME PREMIUM THAT I PAID FOR!!!!