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My Zoom Call Ends When Co-Worker Starts Another Zoom Call But I Am The Call Owner


I have run into multiple instances now where I am the owner of a zoom call and another co-worker starts a zoom call of their own and it ends my zoom call.  The co-worker originally created the re-occurring meeting and transferred the call ownership to me a while back.  The co-worker is no longer on the call invites.  Anyone know why that would be happening?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Since your account OWNS the meeting ID and you are only allowed 1 meeting at the same time per license, then when you are in a meeting and another meeting is initiated the second call will terminate the first because of the account being limited because it has only one license. You need to either add an additional license to the account or have the co-worker create a separate account (which then requires an additional license).