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Meeting Recordings -> Captions -> Speaker Attribution


For some reason, meetings that I've record are not providing speaker attribution in the resulting transcript.
Any ideas?  I looked through previous recorded meetings and speaker attribution is there.  I don't know if this is a result of the recent client updates or what.  
I looked through various settings and I don't see anything that would toggle speaker attribution on/off.

I am currently using the desktop client Zoom Workplace, v6.1.11 (45505)

Is it possibly related to who the meeting organizer is?  E.g., it's not me, but I was granted authorization to record the meeting?



Following up... (still no answer)
I spun up a meeting and invited another participant: my personal account on my personal laptop.
I ensured that Captions were turned on.
I ensured that in Settings -> Recording -> Display participants names in the recording is enabled/checked.

During the meeting, live captions were being generated and attributed to the correct speaker.  However, in the locally saved files, it's still just timestamps and the text.  I checked both the <timestamp>.vtt file and the closed_caption.txt file.  The are effectively identical in that they are showing timestamps and text, but no speaker attribution.
My next test will be to record to the Cloud instead of local.  (Not certain why this would make any difference.)


Another update...
For my previous meetings, I had been choosing the option to save them locally.
I did another test where I chose to Save (Record) To The Cloud (...whatever the verbiage is).
In that test, the resulting file had speaker attribution.
The resulting Recording.transcript.vtt file did not have speaker attribution.

So...thus far in the testing, it seems that speaker attribution only works when the following are true:

  • Closed Captions must be enabled
  • Recording must be saved to the Cloud

I'll do some more testing to see if this remains accurate.

I'm still looking for anyone else to confirm this functionality...

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hey,  - I did some testing today with 6.3.10 and I think I've got the situation understood.


  • If you start captions but NEVER click "Save Transcript" and are recording LOCALLY, you'll get a file named "closed_captions.txt" with NO speaker attributions.
  • If you start captions but DO click "Save Transcript" and are recording LOCALLY, you'll get a file named "meeting_saved_closed_captions.txt" WITH speaker attributions.


    I'm not sure WHY there's a difference there, but there is.


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


Having the same problem. Saving to computer, the .vtt shows no speaker name. I saw an old thread from 2019 saying Zoom had released the solution but it's not working for me. It's too bad no one from the company has responded to your query. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Tara_Giroud.


You mention that you have the same problem as @AndreLeBlanc -- but I believe he was referring to the TRANSCRIPT file that is created on-the-fly and saved LOCALLY.  You are referring the VTT file that is generated after the meeting ends and saved to the CLOUD.


I've just run a test recording where I recorded to the Cloud and checked "Save closed caption as a VTT file":


and the attributions are present:



Can you please make a simple test and provide a screen shot of what your VTT file looks like, as well as your settings for Cloud Recording?  Here's mine, just as an example:





Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.


So I did just recently learn of a little 'hack' for getting a local copy of the transcript with speaker attribution.  And this appears to work for anyone on the call, not just the meeting owner.

When you're in the meeting, along your respective toolbar, you should see an option for [Transcript].  If you don't see it, look under [More].  From the moment you enable "Transcript", it starts the running dialog off the right.  (If I was in a meeting, you'd see text in my screenshot).

As it's going along, you can click the [Save Transcript] button at the bottom.  That is going to create the transcript up to that point with timestamps and speaker attribution. 
Things to know:

  • The transcript is not automatic.  You need to manually kick it off.  So if you wait until the end of the meeting, you're only going to get the transcript of what was said from the point you started it.
  • It only saves the transcript when hit the respective [Save Transcript] button.  So let's say you start the transcription at the beginning of the meeting, and then at some point in the middle of the meeting, you click the [Save Transcript] button.  You will only have from when you started recording to when you hit the button.  Once the meeting ends, if you haven't hit the button again, you will have nothing new.  So the trick is to start the transcription as soon as the meeting starts; occasionally hit it throughout the meeting; and then most importantly, hit the Save button right before the meeting ends.  This ensures that you capture as much as the transcription as possible.  
    Note: It simply overwrites the previous save.  So for each meeting, no matter how many times you hit the Save button, it only results in a single file at the end.

(I was going to include a screenshot, but I'm getting a message that "You do not have permission to upload images."  Ok, that way!  😄🤷🏼‍♂️)