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I have a "multi-user" Pro account with 2 licenses but unable to have two separate mtgs at same time


I have paid for a Pro account and two licenses so I and an employee of my small nonprofit can host meetings.  It was my understanding that with two licenses we could host separate meetings simultaneously. 


Under "user Management" I have added her (using her email) with role of "member" and it shows she's licensed.  I am identified as "owner" and also licensed.  I created a meeting and made her an alternate host.  She received an email about that with the link.  She clicked the link to start that meeting, which she did successfully. It showed her as host, with her own identity.


Then I tried to start a different meeting at the same time, and I got a pop-up that said "You have a meeting that is currently in progress.  Please end it to start a new meeting."


How do I solve this problem? This is terrible.  I have a board mtg on Monday afternoon at same time as a class that the other licensed person is hosting on the account.   I have read on Zoom that we should be able to each host a separate meeting at same time.  See the excerpted section below which is from this link:

John has upgraded and is now a Licensed user on a Pro account. He invites Paul to his account as a Licensed user.

  • John can schedule as many meetings as he wants, but can only have 1 meeting active at a time, regardless of if he is actually present in the meeting or not.
  • Paul can schedule as many meetings as he wants, but can only have 1 meeting active at a time, regardless of if he is actually present in the meeting or not.
  • John and Paul's meeting limits are independent of each other, meaning they can both host a meeting at the same time, as long as they each schedule one of those meetings (as opposed to John scheduling and hosting them both). The same goes for other users on the account.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello. Thank you for the details. Much appreciated. I think the issue is when your co-worker, when she starts the meeting, she is starting your meeting, not her meeting. When you join the meeting, you will be asked if you want to reclaim host controls. If you reclaim, your co-worker becomes a participant. 

A Pro account doesn't allow you to have two meetings running. You need a  Business, Education, or Enterprise account to to that.

Two suggestions for your Monday meeting, Start the class early with your co-worker. Make her the host of that meeting. Now, go join your Board Meeting. I would test this before the meetings to make sure it works.

Now, one other option to let people know you are going to cancel the class invite, and immediately send out another invite. So the class is happening! Have your co-worker use her account to schedule the class. That way it is her meeting, not your meeting. You run one meeting, the Board meeting, and she host the class. 

If this answers your concern, please click Accept as Solution. Thanks. 

The last suggestion in you message was close to what we figured out, but I have one little remaining issue.  I had her create a meeting from her account (for my board meeting) and make me the alternate host.  We tested it.  I started the meeting she set up, and then she started the class.  That worked. I sent out the new link to the board members.  However, I cannot see in my zoom calendar the class she set up (on which I am alternate).  She can see the classes set up on my (the organization) account where she is alternate. (When she's on Zoom website, and clicks on "meetings," between the start/end time and the "schedule a new meeting" button, she sees a dropdown menu where she can choose to see her meetings or all meetings.  I don't have that option, so I'm not sure what she would need to do on her account to allow me to see the meetings she sets up on which I am alternate.  Not sure that makes any sense to anyone who hasn't been down the same rabbit hole on this as I have.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Alt Host meetings don’t show on the Alt Hosts list. See this Zoom Support article In Alt Host:
… especially:

Alternative host limitations

  • The alternative host can start the meeting using the join link in the email or calendar invite sent to them by the host. The meeting will not display in the upcoming meetings list in the desktop client, mobile app, or web page for alternative hosts.

I’d recommend using the Scheduling Privilege between the two of you, which does list the Meeting in both user’s lists (you have to select Everyone in the drop down selection). See this Zoom Support article on Scheduling Privilege:


With Scheduling Privilege, you don’t have to designate each other as Alt Hosts… If you both designate each other as having Scheduling Privilege. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.