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Have to install iPad plugin every single time I share my screen


Every time I share my iPad on my PC in a Zoom meeting, I am prompted to install a plugin.  This never used to happen, and only started a couple of months ago.  I teach piano and use the iPad in every single meeting, and it gets old to have to install the plugin every time.  I contacted Apple, and they said it is a Zoom issue.  I can't find anything online about anyone who has had this issue.  Does anyone have any idea about what to do?


That is odd!  Are you on the most recent update?  It is now 5.12.2.  If you go to "Check for Updates" on your profile, it should indicate what version you are.

View solution in original post


Thank you for your response.  That is what I have done, and in the past I wouldn't have to do it again after I did it the first time.  Now I am prompted to install the plugin every single time I share the screen, like I have never done it before.  This happens even if I stop the current share and immediately share the screen again - I have to install the plugin.  Maybe it's a setting on my computer or something, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Hi evasara


This is frustrating isn't it and not sure that RG123 has grasped the issue. I've only just started using this feature with a new 2021 ipad and experiencing the same problem. A decent workaround is to use LonelyScreen AirPlay receiver installed on your PC (for free) which uses the same screen mirroring approach but outside of Zoom and you then share the LonelyScreen window from Zoom with your meeting guests rather than the iphone/ipad option. Its not quite the same experience in terms of how the window appears, but something you can have up and running in the background ready for any new meeting.


Happy to explain more if needed and hope this helps.


Best wishes



Thank you for your response.  I will probably try the LonelyScreen AirPlay when I start teaching in the fall.  I appreciate your taking the suggestion.



Oops, sorry, I meant I appreciate your suggestion.  🙂

I'm having the same issue and went to download the LonelyScreen Air Play receiver, but it is not free.  There is just a free trial.  Do you have a workaround for this?




Hi Evasara,

I teach and I have the same issue.

In the past, once the latest plugin was installed, zoom wouldn't ask again until there was an update.

Now, every time I share the iPad screen, it forces me to install the plugin, even though it was installed only a few moments ago. I also found that I now have to stop sharing all screens before the plugin will work.

If anyone has any help on the issue, I would be very grateful to hear.



Hi, this problem disappeared for couple weeks



I am just surprised that there is still no response from zoom yet. The worst part is I got this problem "right after" I started the zoom subscription

That happened to me also.  Have a paid Zoom account and have to install a plugin everytime I share my iPad to Windows.  Very frustrating!



Yes, I have also been experiencing this in recent months. It happens every single time I share to an iPad resulting in installing the plugin multiple times within the same zoom meeting.

For example: Start a meeting

Share to Ipad -> Install plugin first

Stop sharing but still in the same meeting

Start sharing again to iPad -> Install plugin again


I have been a Zoom pro user for over 2 years and on the same hardware for that time.


It's ridiculous to have to install the plugin each time and greatly slows down the meeting experience.


Just adding to the voices saying that this is a problem. We pay for 3 Zoom licences in the company and one of the factors that helped us to decide which meeting provider to use was the iPad screen share facility.

We run online workshops and used to be able to treat the iPad share like a virtual flip-chart that was available instantly.

Now, with the requirement to reinstall the plug-in every time this feature is useless, and impacts on our learners' experience.

If the Zoom team could confirm if this is going to be resolved, we can decide on the best meeting provider to use in the future.


I am also experiencing having to install the plugin multiple times during a one hour zoom and it didn't used to happen.  It started about a year ago, even with my old iPad and switching to a newer iPad didn't help.  I can't believe Zoom isn't responding to this.  I have been a Pro member for 3 years.  


Yeah it still happens and Zoom chooses to ignore all of these


I have the exact same issue, and it is frustrating for sure!  I go back & forth between my ipad for sketching/diagramming to power points to other things all the time.  Even after I have downloaded the plug initially to share my ipad, I have to re-dowload it every time I stop sharing to the ipad & go back to it later (all within the same zoom meeting). 


I also have this problem this semester after having not encountered in over two years of using Zoom for my teaching etc. since March 2020. Something changed over the summer, I'm convinced, and Zoom's silence on the matter and failure to offer a solution is frustrating to say the least. Perhaps an update to Zoom inadvertently introduced this bug?


I figured it out.  You need to make sure your Zoom software is updated.  My computer did not check for updates to the Zoom software, and sure enough, I was running an ancient version of Zoom.  Let me know if you need help with this.


I actually did update my zoom when I was first having issues, but it still SOMETIMES makes me install multiple times while on zoom.  I don't know what the difference is, but when I have office hours and am in a breakout room, I noticed I do NOT have to install it.  But when I'm lecturing in the main room, I do have to install it every single time.


I'm just not sure exactly what is going on - I use the same laptop every time.


I was thinking perhaps I'll try to join the meeting with my iPad and make it a cohost and see if that will work better.  I've been meaning to give it a try, but old habits...

That is odd!  Are you on the most recent update?  It is now 5.12.2.  If you go to "Check for Updates" on your profile, it should indicate what version you are.

Thank you so much for your answer to this problem - that solved the whole problem.  It's a great relief!


Actually, I'm NOT updated to the latest version...  It's really strange because when this first started happening, I went in and updated my app, but either it didn't upload to the latest version or there is another version now.  I had met with someone from IT and they showed me how to find and start the update and he waited until it was done, so I know we did SOMETHING...?


In any case, it works now!!  So regardless, I really appreciate you pressing me to check it again!!  Thank-you!!!


: ) 


I think we have to check on a regular basis because it doesn't update automatically.  Or wait until we get that annoying message repeatedly, and that probably means we should update!  These updates are pretty frequent; it was 5.11.11 in early September, 5.11.10 and 5.11.9 in late August.  In any case, I am glad that this solved your problem; the issue was annoying me too!  


It worked!!!  I was running an old version of Zoom - I was using version 5.11.1.  When I upgraded to the latest version, 5.12.2, the problem disappeared.  I went to my profile and clicked on "Check for Updates."  Thank you, everyone, for your input, and especially bchen10, for your advice.  


Just an update.  The message popped up again today.  Sure enough, there was another update available, so once that got installed, everything is working fine again.  It's annoying to have to do this, but it's better than installing the plug-in every time.  I also checked my settings and looked under "General," and it says that I have Zoom updates automatically enabled but it only checks periodically as I chose the "Slow" option to favor stability.  


Thanks, bchen10, for the extra info.  I checked and I have the same setting for updates enabled as you have.  I'll try to check for updates on a regular basis, and especially if I start having trouble again, I'll know what to do.  Thank you so much for your help and input - it has helped me immensely!