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Hate Speech During City Council Meeting


Recently the city I live in had a City Council meeting that was a hybrid of in-person commenters and people using Zoom. Several commenters appeared on Zoom and used hate speech. The city council did not feel that they could stop this and did not wish to stop the meeting. Can I, a member ofthe public, compalin to Zoom and get the hate speakers banned?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Jay26.


I don't know if this would fall under the guidelines for Zoom to take action, but this link can be used to report Abuse, Account Takeover, Fraud or Fraudulent Charges, Copyright or Trademark infringement, or to submit a Law Enforcement Request:


Any request would likely have to be made by the Account Owner, not just an attendee.  If the city council wanted to take legal action, they could contact the police to initiate an investigation and probably get more cooperation from Zoom.


Additional information on Zoom's Trust and Safety program is available here.


Did the City Council feel "uncomfortable" about quashing the comments, or did they not have the technical expertise to do so without jeopardizing the meeting?  There are a number of ways to deal with this.  If you can have someone from the city reach out to me, I'll help if I can.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

My City Council decided to stop letting remote participants make comments at all. This violates the ADA. Is there a way for the AV team to have a delay like radio shows do, so they can mute before the audio goes on the PA system and Zoom/YouTube broadcast?