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Can't update client on PC


The documentation for updating the Zoom desktop client tells me to click on the "check for updates" link. I get to a menu that is clearly the one in question, but there is no "check for updates" link in the menu. No idea what to do next.



I have exactly the same problem. When I try to download the Zoom client and install directly instead, running the .exe file just takes me back to my desktop home screen. Some notes to the 'how to update Zoom' material says that if the 'check for updates' option is missing from my menu, it is because Zoom was installed by my Zoom administrator. But I *am* my Zoom administrator! I am a sole user and the client is installed on my desktop PC. I have also tried ensuring I run the install .exe 'As Administrator' to remove ambiguity. But, again. I just get taken back to the Zoom desktop home panel.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Please go through this article. You may have auto update disabled:


If this helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution

Thanks Sachinzoom. I'm reading this bit of that article:

"Note: If the desktop client was installed with the MSI installer by you or your IT team, AutoUpdate is disabled by default and the Check for Updates button is also removed. Please contact your IT team or Zoom account admin for help with updating."

So if the 'Check for Updates' button is missing, you are probably right that AutoUpdate is disabled too.

But I don't have a Zoom account admin... or rather I think I *am* my Zoom account admin, because I'm the sole user of the Zoom account and the sole user of the free-standing desktop PC on which the Zoom client is currently installed.

I don't know what the "MSI installer" is, though. Might that be relevant to my situation?



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi Nick,


The article covers all scenarios. You do not need the MSI installed. Just ensure, you have automatic updates enabled on your client ( assuming you installed the client automatically). Steps are here:

If this helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Please go through this article. You may have auto update disabled:


If this helps, please accept the answer as an accepted solution

As with Nick: I'm my own administrator, no other business involved. Yes, that article is exactly where I started. And, no, "Check for latest version" is not in that menu for me.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello there,


The article covers all scenarios. You do not need the MSI installed. Just ensure, you have automatic updates enabled on your client ( assuming you installed the client automatically). Steps are here:


Have you checked this as well ?

So you are saying that most likely I have automatic update enabled, and the notification about lack of support for older versions is simply irrelevant for me?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

HI there,


The prerequisites are:



But we always recommend updating to the latest and greatest versions.  This article shows how Users can now allow the desktop client to automatically download and install updates based on their choice of update frequencies


I solved my particular problem by uninstalling, then re-installing, the Zoom application. Next time I logged in to the application the option to "Check for Updates" had been restored. So I was then able to update to the most recent version. Something about this process clearly enabled Zoom to now recognise me as the sole/principle/admin user on my own PC.