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Updating Webinar Capacity


Hello - We have a webinar scheduled in the next few weeks. We've received more interest than originally anticipated when creating the event. Is it possible to upgrade our account and also increase the number of attendees possible in a webinar that is already scheduled and for which people have already registered? I don't want to change the link for those who already have it in their calendar. 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @akieler.


I’m assuming you have a Webinar 500 license, and would like to upgrade to a Webinar 1000 license. If your current and target limits are higher, the process is similar. 

Zoom only checks the attendance limit of the Webinar Owner when the Webinar is started, so the attendance limit should be set properly once a Webinar 1000 license is assigned to the user who owns the Webinar.  The scheduled Webinar links are fine as is. 


Upgrading your current Webinar 500 license to a Webinar 1000 license for one month can be tricky. It can be done, but I f you want to do this, i suggest contacting your Account Exec for assistance.  


If your current Webinar license is an Annual license, it tends to complicate things, in my opinion.  Normally I recommend signing up for a one-month non-recurring Webinar 1000 license in addition to your current license. Then you can also assign that license to the current user who has scheduled the Webinar.  But this isn’t totally necessary. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.