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Host a webinar for 40 attendees


Hi, I have a Zoom Pro account. 


I want to host a webinar and expect about 40 attendees. 


I understand the Zoom Webinar add-on is needed for webinars with 100 or more attendees. What about with less than 100 attendees? I've seen some conflicting information about this. Can anyone set the record straight for me?


I've seen something called OnZoom but it seems to be for USA residents only (is this correct?). I'm not in USA.




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @TeoFeet123.


The lowest Zoom Webinar license add-on is for 500 users, and costs $79 per month.  if you're just doing one webinar, you can subscribe for just a month.  There is no lower fee for fewer attendees.


If you are planning a session for less than 100 users, there are ways to "lock down" a Meeting so that only certain permitted attendees can unmute their mics and start their video... so you could create a Webinar-like environment.  Using the Security button at the bottom of the meeting:


At the very least you would uncheck the Unmute Themselves and Start Video items... though I'd highly recommend unchecking most if not all of the Allow All Participants to: items.  You would need to make speakers/presenters Co-Host, so the could start video and share screen, though you can enable any attendee to unmute through the Panelists window.  Co-Hosts will have all the privileges you have, so use sparingly and only for trusted speakers that require additional capability.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.