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"Invalid access token, this access token is not supported as query parameter string.


Suddenly getting following error.
In Android Zoom SDK.

{"code":124,"message":"Invalid access token, this access token is not supported as query parameter string."}


The createJWTAccessToken method code was working fine to generate the token previously now the geenrated token is said to be Invalid By Zoom API call.


{"code":401,"message":"Invalid access token, this access token is not supported as query parameter string."}

We just started receiving this message as of (2-22-2023) as well.  Regenerated our JWT access token and it is working for grabbing user info but still receive the message above  when downloading phone recordings and transcripts.<url_no>?access_token=<JWT_token>

Hey all!
We were in the same boat. Our scheduled jobs started failing 2023-02-22. Error response from Zoom was "code":124,"message":"Invalid access token, this access token is not supported as query parameter string."

I found this resource from zoom devsupport:

Going forward, any API request to Zoom will need to be updated to include the access token value in the `Authorization` header. 

The link includes an example of how to put the access token in the authorization header for Python. Our job was written in Pentaho but I was able to figure out how to pull the token out of our query parameter string (aka, the endpoint URL) and include it as a header field. I just ran our job this morning and it succeeded.

Did you resolve this issue? What solution did you implement ?


Thank you. 

This was helpful.  Resolved our issue.  

Received a zoom email notification -  The JWT app type will be deprecated June 1, 2023. After this date, you will no longer be able to use your JWT apps.

can you help me ..

I want to integrate zoom in my Laravel project and The JWT will be deprecated .. 

now use Server-to-Server OAuth but valid token


Hi Ashrakt - The JWT access token is still valid, but it must be sent as part of the Authorization Request header. In Python, that looks like this:


I'm not familiar with Laravel, but this blog post looks useful. As long as your API request includes the token in the `Authorization` header, it should work with the recent changes.