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Zoom on AI: Work Transformation Summit On-Demand!

Attendee | Zoom Employee
Attendee | Zoom Employee

Explore the intersection of AI and human connection in the workplace. Watch sessions from our latest May 24th event on-demand now! Featuring a special keynote from Smita Hashim (Zoom's Chief Product Officer and AI & Automation Expert/Best-selling Author, Pascal Bornet). 



As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I don't have information about specific events or summits scheduled for the future, including the "Work Transformation Summit On-Demand." Events and summits are often organized by various companies, organizations, or platforms, and their details can change over time.

If "Work Transformation Summit On-Demand" is a recent or upcoming event, I recommend checking the official website of the summit, the organizing entity, or relevant event platforms for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Event organizers typically provide details about accessing on-demand content, recordings, or any post-event resources through their official channels.

You may also want to search for the event using online search engines or check social media platforms for announcements and updates related to the Work Transformation Summit.