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Participant no longer visible during classic whiteboard sharing


I have used zoom for years and typically use classic whiteboard when I am tutoring. I can usually see my student in a small window as well as seeing the main whiteboard window.  Recently the layout of my screen changed (I assumed a software update) and I can no longer see my student in the window. I have searched the controls but can’t find any way to get the window. Any suggestions please? 



I am having the same problem while tutoring too!!  I keep searching for help.   With the whiteboard, I finally figured out if I change myself to the large screen before I share a whiteboard then my student’s video will appear instead of me.  However, I cannot get both of our videos on the whiteboard anymore.  Very frustrating!  Please post if you figure it out!  Thank you!!!!


This is a major problem.  I found a work around on another community thread.  Before you share whiteboard toggle yourself to full screen and your student to thumbnail.  If you do this you will have video feed of your student while you are using the whiteboard.  That workaround was working for me until I logged on yesterday.  Now, i am kicked back to whiteboard classic.  I can see video of my students, however I dont have any of the whotboard tools.  Only a black pen.  this last month has been extremely hectic with changes to the Zoom software being constantly sprung on me.  If anyone finds an alternative platform or software to switch to, please post.