Rooms and Workspaces
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What are Rooms and Workspaces?

Zoom Rooms are modern workspaces that enable in-person and remote participants to interact in real-time in a hybrid setting. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Rooms and Workspaces conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Rooms and Workspaces support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Closed Captioning API Recommendations

I'm working to set up closed captioning for use in rooms, and my understanding is the only way to accomplish this is through the use of an API. Has anyone used this functionality before, and if so, have any recommendations on vendors to use for this ...


Hallo zusammen, ich möchte wissen, wie ich es schaffe, dass bei Videoaufzeichnungen NUR der Gast im Bild ist (und ich nicht).Ich konnte in den zahlreich angebotenen tutorials keine Hinweise für Einstellungen finden.Bitte um Infos dazu!

Trouble adding controller

Hello!For whatever reason I am unable to pair an Android tablet as a second room controller to an existing Zoom Room.Whenever I log into this device (with the main Zoom Admin Account) it does NOT present me with a list of Zoom Rooms but just a single...