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Can't send SMS but can receive them



I previously had the ability to respond to SMS messages on my mobile and desktop app. Now I can receive message but receive this error message when I attempt to respond. 


"Registration required. Your message cannot be sent as you do not have a valid 10 DLC Brand or Campaign created. Please contact your administrator to resolve this issue." 


When I reached out to them they said that it should be working and they didn't have a solution. Has anyone else figured out how to resolve this issue? 


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hello @kayvines,


With the recent requirement for all providers that offer SMS messaging capability, you are getting that error due to either lack of an active SMS campaign linked to your Zoom Phone number or having no SMS Campaign/Brand. 


I am sharing the information  you need to re-enable your SMS functionality:


SMS/MMS 10DLC Compliance for Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center

Setting up Zoom SMS with 10DLC Compliance for conversational messaging

Zoom Phone SMS error: Message could not be sent

There is currently a delay in getting campaign approval results:

Zoom 10DLC campaign registration delay
In the event you have created a brand and your campaign is in pending status, your SMS functionality will be restored. For details about 10DLC, kindly refer to the information from:

 FAQ about 10-Digit Long Code compliance for Zoom Phone and Zoom Contact Center


If you wish to opt out of Zoom Phone SMS entirely: Opting-out of SMS/MMS sent from Zoom Phone

Have a good day.


If the suggestion helped answer your question or provide a solution to your issue, please select "Accept as solution".


I really do understand the 'brand' means something different from what it does in marketing. However, I am not able to register with 10DLC Compliance because I AM NOT AN ENTERPRISE, BUT A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL. If Zoom phone is ONLY for commercial enterprises (incl non-profit), I must cancel my subscription to Zoom Phone Basis Unlimited to USCA and pay a huge upgrade amount to Microsoft Skype, which I don't want to do. I've been working at this for over a week. I'm a retired PC tech with electronics and software training and experience, but I HAVE NO TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE IN TELEPHONY.  Please help me, because it's causing me a lot of trauma.
William Burton, Atlanta, Georgia USA