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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Importing contacts csv

I have a Basic account. I'm trying to import a personal contacts file. I've created a csv file using the format in the download sample. After I've selected the file, I click on Upload, and get this message "User not login." What does it mean? I asked...

Inviting no-account people to meetings

I have a Zoom Pro account. My cousin is tech-paranoid, does not want to download Zoom or anything. Is there a way I can include her (& others like her) in the family meeting, by sending her a link without her having a Zoom account? signed: Need to kn...

Jdean by Listener
  • 0 replies

multiple students connected in same class deaf student

Hello I will start teaching a course next week. I have 16 students. one of them is deaf and I want to make sure she follows what everyone is saying. is it possible that we all connect in teh same classroom and mute our computers and then only the spe...

codividi suono che si stacca

da alcune settimane quando condivido il suono del mio pc durante una riunione zoom dopo qualche minuto si sgancia e devo disattivarlo e riattivarlo.come posso risolvere?

TriDef Smart Cam

Last 2 Zoom calls I have screen image from TriDef Smart Cam as my image when I turn on my video in my zoom meeting. I have tried to remove/uninstall the Tri Def App and reboot, no luck it's still there. It's like app took over my zoom call. Any ideas...