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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Resolved! Authentication Exceptions

If bringing in a guest outside our organization and I send them a Zoom link via the email I enter in the authentication exception option when scheduling a meeting, does the user I'm inviting need to have a Zoom account linked to that email address? D...

kjhartma by Community Champion | Customer
  • 3 replies

Managing meetings with rotating members

We have weekly meetings with members that rotate every few months. I.e. One member rotates off and another rotates on. We'd also like anyone to be able to record in case not everyone can attend each meeting. Ideally, we'd also like the cloud recordin...

KyleB by Listener
  • 5 replies

Audio transcript Unable to transcribe

I think I have followed everything to record my Zoom Meetings to the cloud, but none of my recordings are able to be transcribed. They are all indicating "Audio Recording - Unable to transcribe".Does anyone have a solution to this?

TheresaS by Listener
  • 3 replies

Waiting room function does not work

When in my Personal Zoom Room, I wait but no-one turns up. But guests are in the waiting room with the message to 'wait till host starts meeting'. They email me to tell me, but I can't let them in because I have no sign that they are there.This is a ...

Charl by Listener
  • 2 replies

Simultaneous translation in Meetings

I know, that to enable simultaneous translation function I need to buy a Zoom Webinar add-on.But I need to create a conference where members can turn on cameras. As I know, it is available with Zoom Meetings. Tell me please, if I buy a Zoom Webinar a...

Evofest by Listener
  • 3 replies

Resolved! Strange "tong" sound while attending a pilates class

Hi, I've been experiencing a strange sound that plays randomly on my mac while connected to a Zoom meeting pilates class.It only happens there and in no other meetings. Any idea what causes the sound and if it's a problem on my side? (I tried opening...

kramdish by Listener
  • 5 replies

Resolved! Feature Request - Custom Zoom Ratio

We use zoomgov and currently there are only these options for zooming: fit50%100%150%200%300% Which is fine and all, but I'd like to just input a custom view. Frequently I'd have to join a meeting where someone has a 4k screen, and I have a 1080p scr...

Clone a group

I need to set up a group for users that closely matches one of my current groups. Is there a way to clone a group and then just tweak the new group? Export/Import? There are hundreds of settings that I need to verify and there is no easy way to do th...