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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Report to show last time Cloud Recordings were accessed

Hi, Is there a report available that will list all the cloud recordings my company has and the last time a report was accessed? I know I can do this per meeting, however, need to find a way to do it for all our cloud recordings. Scott Newell

snewell by Listener
  • 0 replies

I cannot sign into my account because of 2FA

I hope one of you can help. I have tried for three days to find a solution to my issue using help pages and chat-bot but I have gone round in circles – I really would appreciate your help. I am a sign language interpreter working in the charity secto...

Facturation étrange

Bonjour, après avoir réglé mon forfait de 139,90 €, Zoom me débite ensuite sur ma CB 23,38 € sans facture. Quelqu'un a déjà rencontré cette situation ? Impossible de comprendre à quoi cela correspond.MerciJ.

durée réunions visio

Bonjour, Je suis invitée à rejoindre une formation distancielle d'une durée de 3 heures, je suis sur l'application zoom gratuite, pourrais-je suivre toute la formation ou suis-je limitée au 40 minutes de temps ?DJN

DJN by Listener
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Device compatability

I use zoom for dance classes. I have three questions.1. Many students are facing similar glitches in the video. My video is seen instead of theirs. It is broken by lines and the colours also change. What is the solution to this?2. I would like to pur...