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Undocking/popping out the meeting control bar



Will Zoom ever allow the meeting control bar to be undocked or popped out from the meeting window?

The reason I ask is that we use Zoom to present our monthly talks to our members in a hybrid format, and would prefer to use extend screen on the laptop rather than duplicate screen. We would be able to show the meeting window on the main room projected screen, and keep the controls on the laptop screen along with the popped out chat and participant windows.

In screen duplicated mode everyone in the room can see what we see on the laptop including chats and what participants arrive, which is distracting, and we can't always guarantee that we have a full view of the main screen from where we have to sit.

Having the meeting on the projected screen and the controls etc on the laptop screen in extended mode would be much more flexible and allow better meeting management.

I have submitted this via a suggestion some time ago, and await updates with anticipation but unless I've missed something it hasn't been adopted??