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Recording conversion stuck


I can't convert the recording of a meeting (saved to my computer) because my zoom is stuck on the error message "failed to convert recording--there is another recording conversion in progress, please convert later." I tried from both my zoom Meetings>Recorded>Convert and also from my documents file. I tried restarting my computer several times. I tried leaving it overnight. Still stuck.


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi lzink,


please see the support article.  the first recommendation is to install the current version of the desktop client. 

Troubleshooting local recording issues - Zoom Support


acording to the error message, there is another recording conversion in progress. you may have to wait until that conversion completes.  maybe, the conversion program encountered some error and is stuck waiting for a response to the error.  did you get any error message from the conversion in progress?


the support article suggests opening a support ticket if you continue to have this issue.


Did my response answer your question? If so, please don't forget to mark the reply as an accepted solution.


thanks,  eliot