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Creating an authentication profile


I would like to authenticate all users to my meetings with my SSO setup at Auth0. I manage a group of 500 members and each has a user account set up at Auth0 for SSO. I don't want anyone else to be able to attend our meetings. 

I'm attempting to follow the instructions at "Configuring authentication settings and profiles" in the "How to create an authentication profile" section.  I've enabled the "Only authenticated meeting participants and webinar attendees can join meetings and webinars" setting but I don't see any option for adding a configuration (see attached screenshot). I'm using a Business account. I've also checked my personal Pro account and it's not there either.

My objective is to add a configuration to "Sign in to external Single Sign-On (SSO): Allows you to specify a rule so that users need to authenticate through a 3rd-party authentication service", the last bullet in the authentication methods options. But I don't see any of these options in my settings and can't seem to add any.