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Can I keep my Meeting Room if I change subscriptions?


I couldn't find this answer on the website, I hope someone here can help me.  

My employer is ending their contract with Zoom next month (July). This means I'm loosing my company zoom account. I plan to purchase my own pro account because it's made collaborating with colleagues so much easier! (even when we live in the same town). I have 2 reoccurring meetings that I host with several collaborators and I was wondering if there was any way I could keep them as they or if I'll have to create all new meetings and links and such with my *new* account. Has anyone done this? 




Regardless if its a unique meeting ID or your personal meeting ID (PMI), your meeting links will eventually become invalid and will stop working once the employers account is deactivated.


I suggest getting your Pro Account setup prior so you can cancel your 2 reoccurring meetings and replace them with your new Pro Account meeting links.


Hope this helped!