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After 2 hours, one of the participants spotlight got stuck in the local recording


Scheduled meeting ID - 858 XXXX XXXX 

Locally recorded user is different and has cohost permissions to record.


After meeting was ended,  I got this message "Failed to Convert Recording" and cannot find the files to convert. 


Then I opened destination folder. It had two files with 01 and 02. I double clicked one file and it converted to one audio and one video file.




In the recording video file that has 3:23:49 duration, after 02:04:01 time, spotlight got stuck with one of the participants, though we kept changing the spotlights in the session. Locally recorded user view also has  spotlights changes on the screen. Can anyone please help on what else to do? We would want to have the cohost user view of spotlights in the local recording. Appreciate your help!


Thank you!!