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Cancellation and invoices


Hi all, I've tried emailing Zoom and tried the chat function but can't get assistance with the following:


I cancelled my Zoom subscription. When I was it offered me a discount but wouldn't allow me to avail of that, so I would like to cancel completely. I completed the process but I continue to receive invoices. I haven't paid these as I've cancelled and am not using the service. How can I clear this up since email and chat goes unreplied to? 


Preferance isn't to have to sit on hold either for ages.


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @samguthrie 


It appears that the issue has been resolved through a Billing Ticket. If the ticket I found wasn't yours, I recommend that you submit a request to Zoom Billing for assistance. They will need to access your account to assist.