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Zoom account linked to organization with Pro org account, but still remains Basic


My account has been linked to our organization account, and should have Pro status, but it still is Basic and has 40-minute limitation for hosting calls.


Please advise how to resolve this.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello. I'm sorry you are having issues. This is a support issue. I would suggest before reaching out to Zoom's support; I would go to Zoom.US and sign in. After signing in, click your profile picture in the top right and see what license type it shows. One screenshot is attached of my Pro account. Please make sure you are using your Org account email. 


Here is a link to Zoom support 

I hope this helps. Please reply if you need additional information, Thank you. 


Thank you for your response chrismenard7.


When I login to Zoom.US it says that my account is Basic.

At the same time, if I choose my Account Profile from ,the menu on the left, I can see this:

Account Type    Pro (Named Host)
And also the information about my company and my admin are available.
I tried reaching out Support by opening a ticket, but it was automatically closed and advised to try the community:
"Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to your open ticket at this time.

Instead, use our online resources to learn more about using Zoom, find answers to questions, and troubleshoot technical issues."

Following the link to product support you sent, I cannot locate any relevant articles for this issue.
Thank you in advance for any additional guidance.


I am having the same issue. please someone help!

FWIW, my org admin eventually fixed the issue.
It seems that they initially missed something, and were able to fix it.

Bottom line, you should reach out to you org admin.